Have you ever been stumped on which ceiling light is best for your kid’s bedroom?
Kids bedroom lighting is possibly the most overlooked element in any child’s room’s design — and also one of the most important, particularly in a multifunctional space like a child's room.
Putting thought into this important element is important and will probably save you money in the long run.
Purchasing a ceiling light for longevity can take your child from nursery to teen and everything in-between. What starts out as a sweet chandelier in the nursery can easily flow into a design for that precocious toddler and then onto that bright wonderful independent teen.
Choosing a theme in kids bedroom lighting is fun also and one bedroom can be used for multiple children going forward if need be. Who doesn’t just love a nursery that is just that a nursery – a whimsical sweet place for your babe to start their new life with you. Whether you choose a colour palette or, theme or pattern this is the kids bedroom lighting that your child will gaze upon as they settle down each night.
Older kids love to have a say in their immediate surroundings – listen to them to a point but also guide them towards not fads or what’s hot today but what has a long-lasting appeal. It could be your first design project together. Find something that both of you can agree on that is aesthetically appealing but definitely has their personality and energy too. How much fun is that? Choosing the crowning jewel of their bedroom – their ceiling light!
Overhead lighting should have optimal brightness. You never know when or how it will be used in the future and dimmers are hugely helpful on that front. Dimmers give you the flexibility to control the kids bedroom lighting at different times of the day. Nap time, play dates, story time, homework hour, bedtime – each should get a different amount of brightness.
The size of your child’s light is important too with perspective to the bedroom size. Most kids bedroom lighting is hung in the centre of kids’ bedrooms – usually, the bed will be underneath so you can go as big and bold as you want.
Whether it’s suspended by a chain, flush-mount, or semi-flush - function and fashion are true at any age – remember that when you are choosing your kids bedroom lighting.